Evie Lavelle – New Artist

Connemara Sheep by Evie Lavelle

We are absolutely delighted to introduce our customers and friends to the work of our daughter, Evie ( Genevieve ) Lavelle. Evie has always had a flair for drawing and painting but she has honed her skills with hours of practice over the last couple of years. At just thirteen years of age, we think her work is exceptional ( we are a little biased ) and we are happy to hang her drawings along side the work of our comparably seasoned professional artists.

Evie uses a combination of artist quality coloured pencils and watercolour. As well as the animals native to Connemara, Evie also enjoys drawing her favourite characters from the world of anime and film. You can find more of her work on her YouTube channel at EvieLavelleArt.

Evie’s first drawing ( framed by Gavin ) can be seen on display in our gallery window on Main Street – watch this space, there is more to come.


Evie's work in the gallery window

Connemara Sheep

I took these pictures of Connemara sheep recently. This is a typical sight here – the sheep often feed and rest near the roadside because the tarmac surface is warm. They wander freely and graze on what they can find among the bog grasses. This one ( below) has just noticed me.


Photo of a sheep 1



This ram is giving me the eye because there are lambs around..


Photo of a sheep 2



How rugged and handsome these weather worn creatures seem in relation to their East coast cousins who appear plump and coiffed by comparison. Another ram decides to ignore me ( below).


Photo of a sheep 3



Then I spot a ewe with her lamb. They move quickly when they become aware of my presence so I take as many pictures as I can. It’s breezy and I’m finding it hard to keep the camera still so some of my shots are just out of focus. I keep all the images however as they will be useful as reference pictures.


Photo of a Ewe and Lamb



Photo of a Ewe and Lamb 2


The lamb stays close to it’s mother as they retreat across the heath together. These images remind me of Henry Moore’s beautiful sheep drawings which I will share in another post.