Buttermilk Hill



The picture below is the view from my top window where beyond the back garden, the gorse and the telegraph poles you can see Buttermilk hill.  (You can also see the new hen run – almost finished, the girls playhouse – I leave the bunting out all Winter because it adds some cheer and Jellybean our ginger cat!


Buttermilk hill from my top window




Here’s a better view of the hill (below) from Clifden’s National School. I’ve looked at it from this vantage point many times in the last eight years.. it always makes me think of a sleeping giant, the curves and hollows of a turned away face, it’s nose the highest point.


Buttermilk hill from Clifden National School




In all the time I’ve lived here, I’ve never climbed to the top of the Buttermilk so I made it a project this week and I brought my camera with me. This next photo is taken about half way up. I had to watch my footing as the ground was thick with tufty grasses, gorse and heather.


Halfway up Buttermilk hill




Such a great view already. This northern side of town has shrunk and seems to nestle cosily in the hills and mountains beyond. There’s colour among the russet grasses too and when I look closely, I spot some purple flowers and a brilliant red leafed plant.


Purple plant




Red leafed plant




At last the ‘nose’ of the hill was within reach..


The top of Buttermilk hill




When I got to the top, a plain of land was unveiled ahead and the lakes that provide our house with water.


Lake and grasses on top of Buttermilk hill




The view along the Wesport Road and beyond was wonderful – St. Catherine’s nursing home with its long narrow avenue to the left and the Spire of St.Joseph’s church off to the right. I could pick out my own house and the bright green GAA pitch beyond it. The mountains looked magnificent, their peaks covered in mist and I had the feeling that they were closer at this vantage point even though this is a relatively small hill.


View from Buttermilk hill



View from Buttermilk hill




One last picture looking further north – more clouds in this one and the curling line of Streamstown bay in the far distance.


On top of Buttermilk hill




I was tempted to keep walking but my time was limited so I made a promise to myself to return in the near future.

by Total WP Support Inc.