A Forest of Green

This tiny but prolific plant grows right on the shore at Candoolin in Errislannan. This is a small rocky beach, just south of Clifden which is accessible from the roadside. It is obviously thriving here in this environment and has spread over the rocks like a miniature forest with just stone and seaweed for companions.


Photograph of rock plant at Errislannan beach




Here it is again, a little closer up. The perfection of each plant and each leaf is a marvel.


Photograph of seashore plant at Errislannan




And closer still..


Close up of seashore plant at Errislannan




The repetition of the shapes taken from above give the image a shimmering effect. One last photo (below). I love the vividness and vibrancy of this green. I need your help to identify this plant. Is it a liverwort? I’d love to hear from you if you know.


Close up of plant at Errislannan