September’s Bounty

Two weeks after my last post and still I find myself singing September’s praise.  At the same time, I feel guilty because I haven’t yet found the time to paint as I have been trying to corner all of the dull but essential work that has gathered like old dust over the summer. I find it impossible to be creative with the burden of unfinished chores hanging around, but the end is almost in sight. In spite of this, the month of september has been extraordinary in so many ways. It slunk in surreptitiously after August with a wave of unexpected warmth, some truly breathtaking sunsets and an enormous silvery harvest moon that doesn’t seem to want to leave. This and a small boon of growth in my very own back garden.


Hen coop surrounded by Jasmine

Our hen coop festooned with Winter Jasmine




My hen house is looking especially fetching and I fancy that the hens are wondering why so much of nature’s extravagance has been bestowed upon them. One side of the coop is covered in ‘Winter Jasmine’ and the other is laden down with ripening apples. The apple tree came to us in a small pot several years ago from my granny and the jasmine came from Lidl and began it’s life here as a sad little twig. My Dad revealed to me the source of all of this growth when I mentioned it – the hen shit, it’s the hen shit of course!


Hens in September

Our hens enjoying the weather and the jasmine




Here’s a few close ups.


Close up of ripening apples

Apples almost ready to pick




Winter Jasmine against the sky

Jasmine against a blue sky




Let’s hope the good weather and all it’s bounty lasts a little longer, the signs are good so far..

by Deborah Watkins